Ryan Bigg

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The Gem Foundation

24 Nov 2022

Today, I am excited to announce the launch of The Gem Foundation.

Its mission is assist contributors in the Ruby community in their task to further the adoption of the Ruby language, expanding the scope more broadly than just one particular web framework.

Because Ruby is more than just a single framework.

Immediately after establishment of this foundation, we have already surpassed The Rails Foundation in terms of dollars donated, as we have donated ONE SINGLE U.S. DOLLAR to Brandon Weaver, who was the first developer to get in touch with the foundation. Brandon contributes to the Ruby community by writing articles on his personal blog, and also runs the Ruby Learning Center Discord.

The Gem Foundation has also donated TWO U.S. DOLLARS to Jared White, who is a contributor to the Bridgetown site generator.

The Gem Foundation is also contributing $25/USD a month towards the Hanami web framework. If you would like there to be real competition in the Ruby web framework sphere, I would encourage you to do the same.

That’s $28USD already donated by the Gem Foundation!

UPDATE: Kieran Andrews from Adelaide (and of Active Rails fame) has also donated $30USD to the Pry gem, bringing The Gem Foundation’s donation total up to $58USD!

UPDATE #2: As it’s now the 1st of December, a payment of $35USD has been made to the Hanami organisation on GitHub. This brings our total donations almost to $100!

UPDATE #3: As it’s now the 1st of February, yet another payment of $35USD has been made to the Hanami organisation on GitHub. This brings our total of donations up to $173.

UPDATE #4: As it’s now the 1st of March, yet another payment of $35USD has been made to the Hanami organisation on GitHub. This brings our total of donations up to $208.

Here’s a helpful chart to track our donations:

The Gem Foundation donations